Monday 7 March 2016


you've probably heard of the phrase "hurt people, hurt people" right?

quite true, isn't it? and tragic.

it's easy to take offence when we get hurt, but even easier to use this phrase to condemn the person that hurt us.

there are two ways we could interpret / construe / use this phrase. the first being a statement to use against someone. to condemn, or to shame. which is to say, to further hurt him or her. you've hurt me so that means you're hurt so shame on you for being hurt then hurting me in the process because i am sooo much more important than you.


or you could look at it from a different perspective. the perspective of love. to have someone hurt you, yet keep a cool head and take time to consider the fact that the tragedy is not that you got hurt, but that somewhere along the line he or she got hurt first. and now that you know this, what can you do to ease that hurt? 

it's not easy, heck no. but it is the right and better thing is it not?

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