Wednesday 29 March 2017

vade mecum

my favorite books are the ones that transport me to a place that i've never been before. the ones that make me want to live in a totally different period of time. the ones that make me crave for food unheard of hitherto.

the books that make me miss someone i never knew. and cry for a loved one i never lost. the ones that make me long to relive a memory i never lived.

and this is why i love books. they lie to me, sweet beautiful lies, that open doors for me to live lives i could never actually live. i can be a prophet one day, and a god the next. a widower in search of his first love, then a teenage runaway.

be right back. finishing one last chapter.

Saturday 25 March 2017


"Werner thinks about the men in the sunflowers and a hundred others: each lay dead in his hut or truck or bunker, wearing the look of someone who had caught the tune of a familiar song. A crease between the eyes, a slackness to the mouth. A look that said: So soon? But doesn't it play for everybody too soon?"

— All the Light We Cannot See, Anthony Doerr

Monday 20 March 2017


You never ask that i earn Your affection, cause i could never earn something that's free.

i never have to fight for Your attention, because Your eyes are ever upon me.