Sunday 28 February 2016


i wish i didn't have a heart. life would be so much easier that way. no need to deal with feelings and emotions, affections and attachments. loving Him would be so much easier. because my heart is such a fool. because my heart strays from the course and falls for pretty things and ideas and people, and it only ends with me getting hurt. and it's stupid how much it hurts. pathetic.

i am restricted by my affections.

then again, what would life be like without the heart? is a relationship with Father even possible without a heart? because out of the heart is birthed mercy that overrules judgement. faith that overthrows reason. hope that steadies the soul. love that covers all wrongs.

but let the King of my heart be the anchor in the storm, the mountain where i run, the shadow where i hide. Father, you are my song.

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