Sunday 19 April 2015

but in defence of the Heart

the heart is a fool.

the heart does whatever it wants, whenever it wants. lacking rationale. throwing caution to the wind with foolish passion.

it gives all it has; all its blood, all its beats, all its hard motherhugging work. even when it knows that what it's doing would tear itself apart, it continues to do so.

in all that giving, sometimes it receives. sometimes all that passion gets rewarded. the reward ranges from acknowledgement to fame, to what we humans call reciprocated feelings. sometimes the heart receives from another heart.

it happens ever so rarely. but apparently to dear foolish heart, it's worth it.

because some things go beyond the description that any vocabulary in any language could put together. because some things that the heart is capable of like Faith, Hope, and Love just surpasses our human understanding.

the heart is a fool, but it is an honest fool.

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