Wednesday, 21 October 2015


"Who am I?"

"Certainly I will be with you."

Initially it looked like God ignored Moses' question. But perhaps He didn't. It seems that He was letting Moses know that his whole identity was not to be in his skills, training, or popularity. It wasn't his gifts or even his anointing. It boiled down to one thing.

"You're the one I want to be with."

Who was Moses? The guy God liked to hang around. Moses may not have known who he was, but God knew whose he was.

Bill Johnson, Hosting the Presence

Wednesday, 7 October 2015


the wilderness sucks. well, kinda.

it always feels so gloomy and dismal. so barren and empty. and most of the times, lonely.

but it's only in such a dark, desolate place that one can see the stars in the sky. because in the wilderness, there are no billboards, no skyscrapers, no flashy lights from throngs of cars and streetlights. no pretty things to steal your heart away. no distractions.

maybe that's the whole point of those seasons in the wilderness. and that's what i'm trying to do. i'm trying to see the stars in the night sky.

trying to find beauty in the wilderness.